To all subscribers of the appeal in behalf of a re-launching of the Eranos FoundationWord Version
An appeal to save the Eranos Foundation Word Version
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Prof. Graziano Martignoni, Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst, University  of Fribourg and Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana   

Prof. Claudio Risé, Psychoanalyst, Journalist and Writer, University dell'Insubria, Varese (I) 

Prof. Ilario Rossi, Anthropologist, University of Lausanne, Dep. of Medicina e Salute Comunitaria e Fac. di Scienze Sociali e Politiche 

Dr. Giovanni Simona, Geographer, Alta Scuola Pedagogica del Canton Ticino e Gruppo Pangea


April 2004

  To all subscribers of the appeal in behalf of a re-launching of the Eranos Foundation

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,  

With this letter we wish to inform you on the last events and give you some indications concerning the next significant expiry.

The appeal has been promoted during the month of April 2003 and after some months more than 300 subscriptions were collected in Ticino, in Switzerland but also abroad. We wrote some articles for the press and realized radio transmissions on the subject.

We contacted the sole administrator of the Foundation, Mrs Maria Danioth of Zurich, to whom we explained the appeal’s aim. Already at the beginning of the month of September, the appeal’s diffusion has been interrupted in accordance with Mrs Danioth, after her meeting in Bellinzona (on the 22nd August) together with Lawyer Fritz Schiesser (speaker of the Council of States) with representatives of the Ascona’s municipality and representatives of the Canton Ticino, with the aim to define which help this authority could have given and which roll they could take to save and re-launch the Foundation’s activities.

During the month of November, we met the administrator together with Mrs Paola Cerruti, municipal member of Ascona and responsible for the culture department. They told us that a "ad interim" Foundation’s Council  would have been established composed by the administrator Mrs Danioth, by a representative of the Ascona’s municipality, Mrs Paola Cerruti and by a representative of the Canton Ticino, Mr. Mauro Martinoni, director of the University Studies Office. This information has also been transmitted to the media (see attached). We were also been told that this Foundation’s Council would have started to work during the month of December or at the beginning of January, after the modification  of the statute.

We were later made known that the Institution of the Foundation’s Council ad interim to be able to re-launch Eranos was depending on a obtainment of a guaranteed bank loan of about 4 million Swiss francs.We know that a demand has been made to The “Banca Stato del Canton Ticino by the Eranos Foundation with the mediation of the Ascona municipality. No official information on the negotiation’s result has been given by now. This fact has delayed the Foundation’s Council ad interim job who had already invited some experts in order to give a new cultural address to the Foundation. The meeting of these seven experts with the Foundation Council, already fixed for January, did not take place. 

The institution of a Foundation’s Council ad interim is a delicate operation: on one side the statutes should be modified giving to each member a decisional role and on the other side to define exactly  the global amount of the debt which can change on a significant measure depending on the decisions of the administrator Mrs Danioth and the sole creditor, the Volkart Foundation of Winterthur. 

Mr. Daniele Bonetti, besides having searched to re-launch Eranos and the meeting between the public authority and the sole administrator, made a report on the Foundation’s condition which has not been published but has been transmitted to the Federal Vigilance of Foundations (Inside Department of Bern) to be discussed and cleared.Mr. Bonetti’s job goes on, even if he is no more in charge of the Eranos Foundation by the administrator, and aims to make clear the responsibility and to consult the actors involved in the financial problem to try to relieve the debt’s heaviness. Thus he would like to avoid the property’s sale that would be, in our opinion, a great historical and  above all  symbolical loss (see for example the genius loci ignoto).

In this context of uncertainty, we are writing you to ask your help which we can express in the following way:

-                     a cultural help. If you are in contact with institutions that desire to promote activities at the Eranos Moscia’ Foundation in the future, please let us know it by writing us a letter that we will than transmit to the competent authority. These proposals would in fact  reveal an actual cultural vitality of Eranos and would permit to build a network of  resources and institutions to be able to support the cultural re-launch of the Eranos manifestations.

-                     a financial help. We ask you to let us know if the institutions, associations, seminars  in which you operate would agree to invest in financial ways to support the Foundation.

Depending on new events, we would like to launch again an appeal to involve other persons. Please find here attached an appeal’s copy to be diffused, if you have the occasion. We think that is also important to inform the public opinion on the evolution.  

We thank you in advance for your support and wait for your eventual reply.

  Please accept our best regards.

         Prof. Graziano Martignoni                        Prof. Claudio Risé  


          Prof. Ilario Rossi                                      Dr. Giovanni Simona




upporter of the appeal to save the Eranos Foundation Ascona 
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Send please to: Dr. Giovanni Simona, vic.St. Antonio 38 CH-6618 Arcegno
Further informations: tel/fax 0041 91 791 88 41  e-mail: